Viv-Ink Series

With its fluorescent and metallic range of colours Viv Ink draws attention in a crowd. The bright colour of the ink rescues a product tucked in a remote corner of the shop. Or when put carelessly mixed, the fine texture and eye-catching bright colour of Amigo Viv Ink guides the buyer to the right place.

Guided by the uniform, universal code of identification, the colour brings continuity. A client can order to the exact specification, a manufacturer can process the exact colour tone needed to bring character, product expectation and release of happy hormones.

The proprietary process employed by Amigo for Viv Ink is innovative, with complete stress to make it environment friendly, ecologically sustainable. The ink is colourfast. Even with continuous exposure to strong light the colour does not decay.

Placed in a dimly lit aisle, in a heap, even the smartest product loses some of their shine. The vibrant eye-catching colours of Viv Ink removes this threat forever. Businesses are waking up to this threat and the solution we innovate. Let us solve your problem too.