
Our tomorrow is watching us

Watching us destroy their lives by borrowing resources of tomorrow to live our today. This needs to reverse immediately. When we reverse this borrowing, keep resources of tomorrow intact and live our lives with resources of today, we build sustainability. This is the need of the hour. And this sustainability is the cornerstone of Amigo Enterprises.

We Innovate

Chemicals are responsible to a large extent for damaging the environment. Toxic chemicals damage soil, water, air. At Amigo we are continuously innovate to make our chemicals less harmful, environment friendly. We use water as much as possible. You will see almost all our products are ‘water-based’.

As part of our commitment, we continuously evolve and innovate. We make greener, reduced chemical, water based environmentally responsible products. But that is not enough. At every moment our innovations strive to reverse the clock. That nowhere our products need to borrow from our future generations. Rather, we aim to contribute to their tomorrow, make it a better one.

The Green WE

Green is for our eyes. It soothes the nerves. Assure our children, tomorrow will be fine. We recycle through all our processes. To make them greener. We ensure our resources are procured the best possible way. Through environmentally responsible channels. Clean, green resources.We aim to make our water green, our electricity greener, our polluting emissions zero. And we are determined. We are on the way.

The Water in all of US

We have been able to make an impact in the use of chemicals. Most of our products are now water based. Reducing use of strong and damaging chemicals. And our water is procured through an end to end green process. There are a few points, we lack. We are working on them.We are on the way, we promise you, we will achieve this.